States Chess Cup Recap: Week 1

Hello Chess Friends! This is my States Collegiate Chess League recap, a chess tournament where colleges compete against each other in four-player teams(online in 15 | 2 rapid games). I registered as an unrated USCF player, and played against multiple strong players online. These are some recaps of week 1 where I played in the U1800 section as an unrated player. The tournament goes like this: Four players on the team each face each and every one of the players, I (as a fourth board unrated), went against the first board, then second, then third, and then fourth, and then so on in each of the matches. And so on, it makes sense. The teams go against each other, and hopefully one of them wins due to point advantages. Week 1 The first week of the States Collegiate was an interesting one. Me and my teammates were all in the zoom meeting, and once they allowed us to challenge one another, the match started. Our roster was a 2141, 1630, 1142, UNR, and the opposing team was 1...